Measurement lies at the heart of APAA's service offerings. At APAA, we believe that measurement should be a first and continuing activity. Understanding where opportunities lie leads to understanding how your organisation and practices could change to improve services and operational standards.

Successful benchmarking requires a deep understanding of industry practices and operations. We see benchmarking as a form of measurement, which is subject to a discipline applied from outside the organisations taking part in it. Maximum benefit is only obtained when business critical information is used. This is not feasible or desirable if standard interchange of data is used. We act as an independent repository for the data - and data confidentiality is guaranteed by is provided by our independence.

The data we gather from each contributing organisation, is carefully analysed and the findings given back in a way that ensures anonymity for the contributors.

We also use other sources of independent measures of performance - notably those built into quality systems. In these the independence is provided by Internationally Approved Standards (For example: The European Foundation Quality Model (EFQM) and the ISO 9000 Approach) and through independent certifying organisations.